A Dry Crawl Space

Pea gravel shooting into the crawl space.
Pea gravel shooting into the crawl space.

Saturday, April 26

Yesterday morning it rained pea gravel into the crawl space of our new studio. I was working in my office upstairs when I heard the sound of a big truck pulling up out front. I looked out the window to see a guy maneuvering a long conveyor belt toward the barn door on the front of the building. In a few minutes he powered up the conveyor and gravel started shooting toward the open door. When the truck pulled up I thought they were going to deliver the gravel slowly into a pile in the crawl space. But no, it was a remarkably well controlled high speed operation. In the photo above you can see the gravel raining down into the space. Continue reading

Studio or Swimming Pool?

Studio exterior
Studio exterior with driveway construction beginning

Thursday, April 24.

It rained last night. Hard. The beginning of the new driveway and parking area is looking reasonably dry, certainly a lot drier than the soggy grass that was here before. It’s definitely going to be a wet day for the guys working inside. You can see clear through the building right now when both barn doors are open. Continue reading

Studio Construction Begins

Tuesday morning, April 23 the crew from A-1 Builders arrived to begin work on renovating the old feed store into my new photo studio. I’d already done a lot of the demolition work to remove wall and ceiling coverings, take out a lot of the old floor, and get rid of the debris. Doing that work myself saved us a fair chunk of change, built muscles in my arms and shoulders, and made it possible for the professionals to get most of the remaining demolition work completed the first day.

Reception and sales area
Future reception and sales area

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Senior Portrait Session — Josh

Earlier this month I had the pleasure of working with Josh, a Ferndale High School senior, to create his senior portraits. We met at Hovander Homestead Park, just outside Ferndale, for a couple of hours on a glorious April afternoon for his session.

The video slideshow shows my favorites from his session. He and his mom have since narrowed down the choices, picking favorite expressions and poses. Continue reading

Searching for New Wildflowers

Potentially new buttercup
Potentially new buttercup [Ranunculus sp.]. Klickitat Wildlife Area

It’s getting harder and harder for me to find a wildflower in the Pacific Northwest that I’ve never seen before. After spending two full years on the road looking for everything that blooms, and then another eight years continuing to look there’s not much that I’ve missed. I can add two more species to my list after a trip late last week.

Last Friday I had the pleasure of joining my friend Paul Slichter and some of his friends on a flower hike across a portion of the Klickitat Wildlife Area west of Goldendale, Washington in search of what may be a new species of buttercup. Continue reading

In the Pink with Columbia Desert Parsley

Columbia Desert Parsley blossoms

Columbia Desert Parsley blossoms

Columbia Desert Parsley, Lomatium columbianum, blooms early in the Columbia Gorge. Today, the first day of spring, it was at “early peak” along Washington Rt. 14 between Bingen and Dallesport.

This is one of those plants that is very common in those places where it grows, yet it has a very limited distribution. It’s prolific on both sides of the Columbia River in the area I visited today, essentially at the mouth of the Klickitat River.

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