Essence of the Holidays

Our family takes a pretty low-key approach to the holiday season. We’re not much for decorating nor major shopping leading to massive gifting. The important thing is sharing time and food together. So in that spirit here are four images from our Thanksgiving feast, in anticipation of the Christmas feast to come in a few days.

Deep fried winter squash

We celebrated Thanksgiving at our son Zach’s house in Colorado. The main course was a deep-fried turkey which was delicious. While the turkey was dangling in a huge pot filled with 9 gallons of boiling peanut oil, and the cooks were imbibing on delicious Odell IPA, thoughts turned to “what else can we fry?” The answer was to raid the stash of winter squash and root vegetables.

The photo above is deep-fried lightly battered winter squash. The carrots, parsnips, and celeriac had already disappeared by the time the squash came out of the oil. The guys (and it was mostly the guys standing around watching the turkey cook in a beer keg out on the driveway) made quick work of the tasty squash, too. Continue reading