Stringing Along

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Studio exterior
Studio exterior view with some windows in place and framing for front porch.

Thursday, May 29

There’s been a lot of progress on the studio in the last couple of weeks. We’re scheduled for inspections of the framing, wiring, and plumbing tomorrow.

French doors in east wall.
French doors in east wall lead to the camera room.

The experienced foundation repair crew finished cutting holes for the new windows and doors, closed up the old barn door opening on the front of the building, and took down both barn doors. They installed the French doors leading from the camera room to the garden and most of the windows. The double window for the sales room came from the factory the wrong size and had to be re-ordered. The original supplier for the front door couldn’t get it built in time, so we switched doors and hope it will be here next week.

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Getting Framed

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Camera room with most framing in place
Camera room with most of the framing in place

Sunday, May 18

There was more slow and tedious work in the new studio last week, followed by a quick flurry of activity that looks a lot more like progress.

The tedious work was doubling all the joists that hold up my office on the second floor, immediately above the camera room. When the building was originally built in 1928 they used 2×6 lumber to span more than 12 feet. The rule of thumb for that distance calls for 2×12 lumber. As a result the joists had sagged a lot over the years and the floor bounced when we walked on it. It took a couple of days, but now all the joists are reinforced, with new 2x6s on both sides of the original ones. Continue reading

Ready for Walls

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Carpenters nail subfloor onto joists
Carpenters nail subfloor onto joists

Monday, May 12

Remodeling includes a lot of tedious work, which meant that visible progress last week was a little slower than the first couple of weeks. But by the time the A-1 Builders crew went home on Friday afternoon the subfloor was complete and the big glulam beam that supports my second-floor office was in place. Continue reading

Chester, Get Your Safety Glasses On

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Chester the hen watches Dennis cut wood framing
Chester the hen watches Dennis cut wood framing

Thursday, May 8

We got a new hen last weekend and she’s adopted the construction crew from Aspen Diversified Construction, Inc. Rather than hang out in the yard searching for bugs and worms, Chester likes to hang out in the studio and supervise the construction activity. She doesn’t seem to be afraid of anything, even standing calmly on a piece of framing timber while Dennis cuts it to length with his Skilsaw. Where do we find chicken-size safety glasses for her? And that name, Chester? That’s what Mike started calling her.

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We’ve Got a Sub-floor!

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Floor joists and sub-floor

Most of the floor joists and some of the sub-floor in the new camera room

Monday, May 5

The crew from A-1 Builders made good progress last week, getting nearly all the new floor joists in place and laying most of the sub-floor. They deliberately left a few joists out where the plumber will install a new sewage grinder pump. It will be a whole lot easier to dig the hole under the crawl space for that without the joists and floor in place. Since the studio is lower than our septic tank and drain field we have to pump our sewage uphill and the old pump was buried outside and not in good shape. Continue reading

Looks Like a Mess Out Here

Studio exterior
Dirt piled outside the studio from foundation drainage excavation

Wednesday, April 30

It was a quiet weekend at the studio construction site as the crew from A-1 Builders works four 10-hour days Tuesday through Friday. The weather was good, which allowed the saturated soil to dry out a bit. The excavators dug trenches along the foundation walls to lay perforated drainage pipe. They’ve also painted a waterproofing compound on the foundation walls. This is an extra step to keep the underpinnings of the studio dry when the building is sealed up tight. For now, we’ve got piles of dirt everywhere and quite a mess. But our chickens have been having a great time picking through the dirt for fresh worms and grubs. Continue reading

Historic Characters

Fairhaven Village Green Mural
The painters and the painted, in front of the Fairhaven Village Green mural.

The painters and the painted came down to Fairhaven on Sunday morning, April 26 to have their portrait made with the Fairhaven Village Green Mural.

Lanny Little originally painted the mural some 13 years ago, then refreshed and updated it in the summer of 2013. In the process he added eleven people who have played a role in modern Fairhaven over the last four decades or so.

Longtime “Mr. Fairhaven” and proprietor of the website, aka John Servais, invited all the people who had been painted into the mural, as well as those who helped Lanny with the painting in 2013, to come to the Village Green for a dedication and group portrait during Dirty Dan Day on April 27. This photo is the result. Continue reading