Closing In

Thursday, July 3
The flooring crew from Morris Floors and Interiors finished laying the oak hardwood floor on Tuesday afternoon. Having a finished floor really changes the look and feeling of all the rooms. We’re getting down to the detail work now.

Mike Gill, lead carpenter on the job from A-1 Builders, finished the window trim, exterior door trim, and most of the baseboards while waiting for the interior doors to be delivered. This aftenoon those were delivered and Mike got right to work installing them.
By the time I went downstairs from the office to make a few photos, Mike was on his third door. He takes his time. It’s important to make sure the doors are plumb and the gap between the frame and the door is the same all the way around. Even though the doors come pre-hung, there’s still careful detail work to get them installed properly in the rough openings. Sometimes it goes really quick and easy; other doors take a little more time to get right.

I’ve ordered the door hardware, but because I thought I’d done that weeks ago but actually hadn’t, it will be a while before we have handles on the doors.

Next week the crew from Whatcom Excavation will be back to finish the parking area and a paving company will be laying a blacktop apron where our drive meets the county road. The A-1 crew will build the front porch railing. The countertop folks will put in the bathroom and camera room countertops so the plumber can come back and finish the plumbing. If all goes according to plan, or close to it, we’ll be finished about the time I’m scheduled to be out of my Fairhaven studio later this month.