Last Light in the Garden
![Thimbleberries, Snowberries at base of Paper Birch trunks [Rubus nutkanus; Symphoricarpus albus; Betula papyrifera]. Turner Photographics Garden, Bellingham, WA. © Mark Turner [2004592] Thimbleberries, Snowberries at base of Paper Birch trunks](/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Turner_2004592.jpg)
With long days this time of year we don’t often get in from working in the garden until 7:30 or so and then we’ll have dinner as we watch the late afternoon night move and shift on the woodland border at the back of the garden. Last night was no exception, and as soon as dinner was finished I headed back out to capture a bit of the magic.
This cluster of paper birches (Betula papyrifera) is at the edge of our woods. It’s a favorite place, and a favorite photo subject nearly year-around. Now that the thimbleberries have leafed out it’s at peak. Continue reading