The Chicken Channel
![Birdbath framed by 'Tor Gold' Birchleaf Spiraea, Forget-me-nots, Mountain Hemlock w/ chickens on lawn & chicken coop soft bkgnd [Spiraea betulifolia 'Tor Gold'; Myosotis sylvatica; Tsuga mertensiana]. Turner Photographics Garden, Bellingham, WA. © Mark Turner [2002718] Garden bed with chickens on the lawn](/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Turner_2002718.jpg)
Every afternoon about 5 o’clock we let our chickens out into the yard and garden to forage until their bedtime. Since we have predators around — hawks, eagles, and coyotes — we make sure there’s a human nearby in the yard to keep an eye on our girls.
We joke that we’re tuning in to the chicken channel. It’s relaxing live entertainment. We’ll even pop open a beer or pour a glass of wine to enjoy while watching the hens forage for grass, bugs, grubs, and slugs. Continue reading