Our Studio is Moving

Turner Photographics studio exterior
I’m moving my studio to our home on the outskirts of Bellingham this summer. Last fall we purchased five acres at 4682 Wynn Road, just off the Slater Road I-5 exit, and moved into the house in January. My office is upstairs in the new studio building and we start renovation of the first floor into a spacious new studio this month. The new front entrance will be to the left of the big garage door you can see in the photo above.
The studio building was built in 1928 as a feed store. It was originally located on the corner of Rural Avenue and Highway 99 and was moved to its current location in the early 1960s when Interstate 5 was constructed.

Turner Photographics studio camera room prior to remodeling
I’ve spent the past few months taking the first floor down to the studs, including removing the shaky old wooden floor. We’ll insulate, add a heating system, put in an interior staircase between the upstairs office and the camera room, and turn this empty shell into a warm and inviting space to welcome you and to create beautiful studio portraits.
Follow our progress on the blog and my Turner Photographics Facebook page. The current schedule says we’ll be ready to move in sometime in July.
In addition to the new inside studio, we have about two acres of lawn and garden plus three acres of woods for outdoor portraits. We’ll be planting and adding structural elements to enhance the space, but its pretty nice as it is. That’s one of the big reasons we purchased this property and moved. We’d been in our former home in Bellingham’s Lettered Streets neighborhood for 23½ years.
We’d love to have you come by and take a look. Just call ahead at 360-671-6851 to arrange a convenient time. We can schedule your outdoor studio in our portrait garden now or anytime this spring or summer.
Mark- I’m looking forward to coming to visit when your studio is finished. I’ll bet you’ll have an open house party-right? The place looks beautiful!