Family Portrait Special Benefits Food Bank
Larrabee Saturday & Whatcom Sunday
Have your family portrait created at one of our favorite locations, Larrabee State Park or Whatcom Falls Park, and support the Bellingham Food Bank at the same time. The weekend of September 17 and 18 we’re offering a special price of only $100 for the session (half our regular price) and we’ll donate the entire session fee to the Bellingham Food Bank to support their “milk money” program.

Here are the details:
Saturday, September 17 we’ll be at Larrabee State Park.
Sunday, September 18 we’ll be at Whatcom Falls Park.
Sessions will be 90 minutes and you must schedule in advance. The earlier you call (360-671-6851) the more likely you are to get your preferred time. Session start times are available from 10 am until 6 pm. Sunset is at 7:21 pm. I’ll photograph your whole family as well as any smaller groups, such as mom and dad alone, or just the kids.
Just like we do for all of our family portrait sessions, I’ll chat with you ahead of time to help plan your portrait. These consultations are usually at your home and we’ll discuss clothing, setting within the park, and where you’ll display your finished portrait.

Several days after your session you’ll come to my Fairhaven studio for your viewing and purchasing appointment. You’ll see your portraits projected on our screen, choose your favorites, and decide on the right sizes for your home. Then I’ll do the retouch and finishing work, get your prints made, and deliver finished framed portraits to your home.
Call 360-671-6851 today to schedule your family portrait. You know you’ve been thinking about it, so do it now before the good weather is gone. Take advantage of this special offer to save $100 and help support the food bank at the same time.
You must have your portrait made on September 17 or 18 to take advantage of this special session price and help us support the Bellingham Food Bank’s mission to feed hungry families.
How much are prints? the average total cost?
Jessica, the price of prints depends on the size and finish you choose. My most popular size, a nice wall portrait that would look good over your fireplace, is $650. Most folks end up investing around $1000 in their portraits. I’ll be happy to discuss pricing in more detail during a personal consultation. Give me a call. 360-671-6851.