Don’t Settle for an “OK” Senior Portrait

September and October are prime months for high school senior portraits. Yearbook deadlines are coming up, so if you know a senior at any of Whatcom County’s high schools have them give me a call (360-671-6851) to arrange their senior portrait session.
Lots of kids these days are opting to have one of their friends take their senior pictures. It’s certainly a lot cheaper than having a professional like me photograph them. Maybe they’ll get lucky and their friend will do an OK job.
But finishing high school is an important rite of passage. It’s one of those occasions that calls for a professional portrait by a photographer who knows what they’re doing. A photographer that will take the time to create a beautiful set of images, edit them down to the best, present them large as life, and then do the retouch and finishing work to enhance the portrait for lasting value.
I guarantee you’ll love your senior portraits. You’ll have fun during your session, too.
Give me a call at 360-671-6851 to schedule your session today. Time is running out. You don’t want to settle for “OK” when you can have “great.”
For more details, visit the Turner Photographics senior portraits web page.