Falling for Fairhaven Fun

Gotta catch me a cab and head down to old Fairhaven town for a little Halloween fun.

Maybe I’ll grab a cup of Tony’s coffee and sit in the window watching all the fairies and goblins stroll by.

This holiday isn’t just for kids any more. Even older folks get into the spirit of dressing up, painting faces, and assuming an alter-ego for a day.
Loot bag? Check.
Best friend? Check.
Costume? Check.
A ride to Fairhaven from mom? Check.
Halloween trick-or-treating in Fairhaven Sunday afternoon was a mob scene with sidewalks crowded with hundreds of happy haunters. Check out more photos in the Fairhaven Halloween Gallery.
I felt a bit out of place wandering the streets with a camera but no costume. OK, so I was wearing clothes, but nothing special for the holiday. I hope you all had fun. I know I did.