A Sense of Place

I have a strong connection with the land which surrounds this place I call home. This is the third community in which I’ve lived for an extended period of time and in each of those I’ve developed a relationship with the environment. I grew up in the hills of West Virginia, and even though I haven’t lived there for nearly 40 years the Mountain State is still deep within my soul. Eleven years on the Nebraska prairie gave me an appreciation for wide-open skies and rolling grasslands (if you looked beyond the row crops).
After nearly 20 years in Bellingham I really can’t imagine living anywhere else. I’m constantly running into other people who feel the same way. Many moved here specifically for the natural beauty this area has to offer; others grew up with it. Our community is “right sized” and surrounded by more natural beauty and recreational opportunities than most people can ever take advantage of.
I’m particularly partial to the alpine landscape, with its dramatic seasonal transformation from winter’s white blanket to the brief but glorious summer wildflower show and then the soft reds and golds of autumn with promises of fresh blueberries lurking along the trail.
I also enjoy the quiet beauty of our dense coniferous forest with myriad shades of green contrasting with the rich browns of the tree trunks. Creeks, rivers, and waterfalls offer dancing highlights.
Our meandering saltwater coastline invites exploration both from land and from a fragile kayak bobbing on the tides. It’s an environment that reminds us daily of the interconnectedness of the cosmos as the moon pulls the sea upward and then releases it to reveal sturdy life forms that live in the water but have adapted to being exposed to the air twice a day. If only we could be so adaptable.
What is your favorite place, or places? What environment makes you smile, or think deep thoughts, or fondly remember something from your past? When it’s time for your family or senior portrait, let’s tell your story in one of those places that means something to you. The setting for your portrait isn’t just a pretty background, it’s a part of your narrative.
See our family portrait web pages. We’re booking sessions now for the summer.