Wildflowers Book Tops 17,500 Copies
Wildflowers of the Pacific Northwest, which came out in 2006, continues to sell well. Its in at least its 5th printing and has sold over 17,500 copies as of December 31, 2009. If you don’t have a copy yet, or want to give one as a gift, you can order autographed copies from me online at pnwflowers.com/buy. It’s also available at most local bookstores, from Amazon or direct from the publisher, Timber Press.
WPNW is a handy field guide that covers 1220 species of flowering plants that grow in Washington, Oregon, southern British Columbia, and northern California. It won an American Horticultural Society book award in 2007 and continues to get positive reviews. There’s no better or more comprehensive flower book for the Pacific Northwest.
I’ve started to work on the sequel, which will cover 600+ species of trees and shrubs. There will be some overlap, but lots of new material, too. Look for it in about three years.