Red is for Valentine’s Day
We may think of roses for Valentine’s Day, but why not the beautiful flowing bulb we call Amaryllis? This one, originally purchased for Christmas, took its sweet time coming into bloom so that it reached its glory in February.
Amaryllis is one of those plants, like geraniums, with confusing botanical names. The genus for the flower pictured above is Hippeastrum. There are many named cultivars, all hybrids as far as I can tell so the species name doesn’t get used. There is also a genus Amaryllis with a single species, Amaryllis belladonna, which is another flowering bulb.
Regardless of what you choose to call it, they’re beautiful flowers that come in a range of mostly reds and shades of white and pink. I photographed this one in my studio against a white background lit with a blue gel over the light. Then I returned it to our dining table where we have been enjoying it for many days.