Cusp of Spring
Notwithstanding the cold and spitting snow in Bellingham today, the earliest signs of spring are popping up in our garden. I was out a couple of days ago to prune back a bunch of herbaceous material that had frozen back during our December cold snap. At the same time I noticed that the first of the early crocus were showing color.
This particular crocus was right along the sidewalk where it gets a little warmer from the sun hitting the pavement. We have hundreds of these early crocus scattered around the garden and most of them are just showing the tips of their foliage. It will be a while before the rest of them start blooming. We’ve also got snowdrops that are showing buds. Some years we’d have more things in bloom by now, but it’s been a colder winter than normal.
At least we’re not still buried under 10 inches of crusty old snow like a gardening friend in Coeur d’Alene reported a few days ago.