Stock Photography Indexes

The Turner Photographics stock photography library contains about 80,000 meticulously captioned and organized original transparencies and digital image files. Counting in-camera dupes and variations there are over 200,000 originals. We only display a tiny fraction of these images within the pages of this web site.
Most of the photos on this site which are available for stock use have our Image ID Number embedded in the corner. Please use this number when inquiring about licensing one or more of our images.
To aid photo researchers looking for particular images we have created four different indexes to the file. We are also happy to do a custom search of the files for the image you need. Call 360-671-6851 or e-mail Mark Turner with your request. It only takes a few minutes and you can often have film or digital previews in your office the next day.
You will need a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print the PDF files of the stock lists. It’s free, and you’ll be able to search within the files with it, too.
Stock Subject List
A one-page general list of major subject areas in the stock photography file.
Stock Index
A detailed list of subject areas in the stock photography file, using the categories appearing in Green Book indicies.
You may contact me, Mark Turner, by e-mail to request more detailed information about any of these subjects or to initiate a photo request.