Children's Portraits
Your children change so fast.
Turn around and they’ve gone from sitting to standing to running all over the place.
Next thing you know they’re making music, playing sports, or developing their artistic talents.
Then, before you know it they’ve pushing the boundaries of independence and getting ready to go off on their own.

You want to remember each of these precious stages in your children’s life, and all the other moments in between. You’ve got tons of snapshots on your computer, maybe a few printed and stuck in an album.
We’re Not Like the ‘School Pictures’ Photographer
You buy school pictures every fall, but with only 38 seconds per kid you can’t expect great results. Hi. Sit here. Turn that way. Tilt your head. Look here. Flash. Thank you. Next …
I am a different kind of photographer. You’re going to love the portraits I make of your kids.
I take the time to get to know your kids. I treat them like the individuals they are. We have fun together, with my camera.
What’s next?
Ready to schedule a children’s portrait? Call 360-671-6851 right now to schedule a no-obligation, free in-home consultation, or pick a time for your consultation online.