Garden Photography Archive

Mark Turner has more than 80,000 garden and horticultural photographs in his thoroughly indexed stock photography library. It’s a very large task to get even a small portion of the collection online and available for preview. The work is in progress, but not yet ready for public consumption. If you’re doing photo research and need plant portraits, garden landscapes, hardscapes, environments, annuals, perennials, vegetables, fruit, trees, shrubs or most anything else from the garden please e-mail your request to Mark or call 360-671-6851. Fast, friendly research is still free.
For now, you can view work in progress for a new book about gardening in the interior northwest in the gallery at Inland Northwest Gardening. There you will find thousands of photographs from a diverse selection of gardens in eastern Washington, eastern Oregon, western Idaho, and the Canadian Okanagan.
A complete list of species in the Turner Photographics horticultural collection can be downloaded as a PDF file. This Horticultural Stock List runs more than 80 pages and is sorted alphabetically by Latin name.