Take a Class to Better Photos
You’ve got a digital camera, or perhaps you take a lot of photos with your iPhone. But maybe your photos don’t turn out as well as you thought they would. I can help. Sign up for one of the classes I’m teaching this summer and learn to take control of your camera and make better photos.
In all of my classes I combine examples I’ve shot, personal hands-on instruction, a non-intimidating way to help you understand the technical stuff, and ideas to explode your creativity. Classes usually end with a gentle group critique where you’ll share a few of your favorite images from the field session and I’ll make comments about what’s you did well and how you can make your photography even better.
One of my students last year wrote this on their evaluation form:
This class was one of the most valuable and well taught I have ever taken. The instructor’s presentation was professional, and he also made sure to work with each individual to improve their knowledge and photographic capability. Best of all, he was extremely skilled at critiquing our work while giving encouragement and honest appraisal. In spite of the class members’ differing levels of skill and knowledge, the instructor’s general remarks were useful to all and his private encouragement appropriate to the level of the student. I learned a lot that I will continue to use and hope there will be a follow-on.
Here are the classes I’m teaching in 2012 and where they’ll be:
Take Great Photos with your iPhone!
Whatcom Community College
Bellingham, Washington
Tuesday evenings June 19 & 26, 6:30 to 8:30 pm both days
Cost $49
The iPhone class is filling up. Nearly half the slots are filled as of 6/4/2012. Don’t miss out. Sign up today.

Wildflower Photography with a Pocket Camera
Siskiyou Field Institute
Selma, Oregon
July 16-18
Class begins at 9:45 am on Monday, July 16 and ends on Wednesday, July 18 about 1:00 pm
Cost: $175

Digital Wildflower Photography with a Pocket Camera
North Cascades Institute
Diablo Lake, Washington
August 14-16
Class begins at 11:00 am on Tuesday, August 14 and ends on Thursday, August 16 about 3:00 pm
Cost: $245-$485, depending on accommodations
Pocket Camera Wildflower Photography
The Burke Museum
Seattle, Washington
Sunday, August 12, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
TBA, Registration not yet open

Each class is limited to 15 students so I can provide lots of hands-on personalized instruction. Choose the one that fits your schedule and location preference and sign up today!
All the photos on this page were made with my iPhone and processed with apps on the phone before I shared them with my friends on Facebook. Send me a friend request if you’re on Facebook and you’ll see more fun photos (lots of plants, since I am a bit of a plant geek).